The Andhra Pradesh Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 – Amendment – Orders GO.50 Dt:01.10.20

 School Education – The Andhra Pradesh Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 – Amendment – Orders – Issued.


In the said Rules:- 

1. wherever the words ‘School Management Committee’ occur the words ‘Parent Committee’ shall be substituted. 

2. wherever the words ‘Rajiv Vidya Mission (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) occur the words ‘Samagra Shiksha’ shall be substituted. 

3. wherever the words ‘Commissioner & Director of School Education’ occur the words ‘Commissioner/Spl. Commissioner/Director of School Education’ shall be substituted. 

4. wherever the words ‘The State Council of Educational Research and Training, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh’ occur the words ‘The State Council of Educational Research and Training, Andhra Pradesh’ shall be substituted. 5. in rule 3, in sub –rule (1),- (i) for clause (5), the following shall be substituted, namely:- 

“(5). A child belonging to Weaker Sections means a child belonging to BC, Minorities and includes OCs whose parents’ income does not exceed Rs.1,20,000/- per annum in Rural areas and Rs.1,44,000/- per annum in Urban areas.” (ii) for clause (7), the following shall be substituted, namely:- “(7). ‘Corporator’ means elected member of a ward of a Municipal Corporation within the limits of Andhra Pradesh.” (iii) for clause (10), the following shall be substituted, namely:- “(10). ‘District Educational Officer (DEO)’ means the officer responsible for implementing the programmes for elementary & secondary education at district level.” (iv) after clause (29), the following shall be added, namely:- “(30) ‘Additional Project Co-ordinator’ means the officer responsible for supporting District Educational Officer (DEO) for implementing the Elementary Education.” 

6. in rule (4), after sub- rule (3), the following shall be added, namely:- “(4). Village Volunteers and Welfare & Education Assistant of Village Secretariat shall support the Parents Committee for identification of Out-of-School Children

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