The DPEP was initiated in late 1994 as a unique and innovative effort towards achieving the objectives of UPE in educationally backward districts of India. At the project inception stage, it was realized that a sound information base for planning and monitoring of project intervention was an almost non-negotiable requirement. There were many challenges to establish and sustain such a system. This was particularly so as the prevailing system had completely lost its credibility with the data users.
The educational statistics collected by the states under the guidance of the MHRD were not only inadequate to meet the growing needs of the decentralized planning but were characterized by inordinate delays, highly aggregative and were not amenable to validation and reliability tests. Since school statistics formed the core of educational statistics, it was rightly recognized that major reforms in school statistics both in terms of their scope and coverage as well as availability and use have to be carried out. Accordingly, NIEPA took up this as a challenge and accepted the responsibility for designing and implementing such a system for primary education
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The educational statistics collected by the states under the guidance of the MHRD were not only inadequate to meet the growing needs of the decentralized planning but were characterized by inordinate delays, highly aggregative and were not amenable to validation and reliability tests. Since school statistics formed the core of educational statistics, it was rightly recognized that major reforms in school statistics both in terms of their scope and coverage as well as availability and use have to be carried out. Accordingly, NIEPA took up this as a challenge and accepted the responsibility for designing and implementing such a system for primary education
Download UDISE Instructions ( UDISE పూర్తి చేయడానికి సూచనలు తెలుగులో)
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