Rc.150 Mana Vooru Mana Badi Schedule

Present: K Sandhya Rani I.Po.S

Rc.No.150/A&I/2019 Dated:23/04/2019

Sub:- School Education - MANA VOORU - MANA BADI Campaign -Completing the School Admissions for the academic year2019 - 20 from 23-4-2019 to 30-4-2019 - Instructions issued- Reg.

Read:- RTE Act No. 35 of 2009

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and DistrictEducational Officers in the State are informed that under Right toEducation (RTE) Act 2009~e Right to Education is accorded the same legal status as the Right hs7iife a provided by Article 21 (a) of Indian Constitution. Every child in age group of 6 to 14 years shall be provided up to 8 years of Elementary Education on admission to an age appropriate class in the vicinity of his j her neighbourhood.

It is further informed that there is a declining trend in Government
schools' enrolment over the years. This is resulting in closing of zero
enrolment schools, merging/ consolidation of non-viable schools with
neighbouring schools during the rationalization process. Multi-grade
teaching becomes inevitable when the enrolment does not justify
allocation of full complement of teachers. Further, continuous efforts to
identify Out of School Children (OoSC) needs to be made to ensure that all
children are enrolled in schools.

In the above context, it is proposed to take up a special campaign"Mana Vooru - Mana Badi" to complete the Admissions for academic year 2019-20 in all Government/Mandal Parishad jZilla Parishad Schools from 23rd April to 30th April 2019

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