Vide publicity shall be given in the districts in connection with Micro Planning, conduct of Gramasabhas and participation of Public Representatives.
A district level convergence meeting shall be convened with all district level officers of line departments under the Chairmanship of the District Collector for preparation of convergence plan.
Habitation Education Plan booklets shall be printed @ 1 for each habitation and School Development Plan formats @ 1 for each school with 10% extra for use at the training programmes.

The HMs of the schools concerned should keep Xerox copies of the filled in Habitation Education Plan booklet, School Development Plan booklet with them for reference sake and future use.
Print Habitation Plan booklets and School Development Plan formats & other instructional material duly meeting the budget from Management / Community mobilization head duly following printing procedure in vogue.
Incur the expenditure for conduct of orientation to Habitation Planning Team members at the school complex level from community training budget.
Involve DIET faculty at district level orientation programme.
Constitute District level monitoring teams with DIET faculty and Sectoral Officers in the district and allot 2 to 3 mandals to each member to observe school complex level orientation and Grama Sabhas at habitations.  Members of the mandal planning teams should also visit the Grama Sabhas.  The budget towards payment of TA, DA to observers may be met from the budget head of REMS / Management Cost of concerned DPOs for the year 2018-19.
Conduct district level / Divisional level trainings to mandal teams in 2 spells simultaneously in parallel batches based on number of mandals.  Each batch should not exceed 50 participants.  Distribute Habitation & School Development Plan booklets and mandal plan formats during the training programme.
Conduct orientation to Habitation Planning Core Teams at school complex level.
School Complex level training to Habitation Planning Core Teams may be organized simultaneously in two clusters so as to complete as per schedule and plan these well in advance so that the trainings could be completed within 2 days.
The presence of observers is mandatory during the school complex level orientation to habitation core teams.
Conduct of Grama Sabhas on 30th April 2019 by giving wide publicity and involve public representatives, read out the RTE Act in the Grama Sabhas to make them aware of the Act.  The expenditure towards conduct of Gram Sabha may be met from Community Training head.
All MEOs may be instructed to utilize the services of CRP’s as observers at Gram Sabhas and monitor the preparation of habitation plan.
MEOs may be instructed to prepare and submit the habitation and mandal plans as per schedule.  Utilizing the services of CRP’s / MIS.
The District Collector may be requested to address Sarpanches through MPDOs concerned for organizing Gram Sabhas.  Similarly the MPDOs / MEOs may be instructed to conduct mandal level meetings with Mandal Planning Teams under the Chairmanship of MPP / Special officer for approval of mandal plans.
The PO’s may be requested to take the services of DLMTs as when required.
All the District Sectorals are instructed to monitor the overall plan programme especially their intervention proposals.
The Project Officer may organize convergence meeting with all departments at the district level for preparation of district level plans under the Chairmanship of the District Collector
The District Collector may be requested to organize a meeting with monitoring committee for approval of district plans.
Submit and get appraisal of district plans at the State Project Office as per the schedule.
POs should make a presentation of their district plans before state level appraisal team as per the schedule.
Preparation of the District Plan is not a one man activity and the responsibility should be taken up by the District Project Office as a whole.
Documentation on the overall planning process shall be submitted to SPO in a booklet form during the appraisal of District plans.

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