Guidelines/Instructions for Municipal Teacher Transfers 2018 under Phase-II – Certain amendments issued – Guidelines / Instructions Issued Rc.11021


Roc. No.11021/31/2018 (3396/2017/J3) Dated.19/01/2019.

Sub: M.A.Dept., – Municipal Teachers – Guidelines/Instructions for Municipal Teacher Transfers 2018 under Phase-II – Certainamendments issued – Guidelines / Instructions Issued – Further instructions – Issued- Regarding.

Ref:1) G.O.Rt.No.507, MA&UD (D1) Dept., dt.16.05.2018
2) Representations of certain Teacher Union’s / Teachers.
3) This office Lr.Roc.No.3396/2017/J3, dt.29.06.2018 addressed to Govt.
4) This office Lr.Roc.No.3396/2017/J3, dated.06.07.2018 addr. to Govt.
5) Govt. Memo.No.C-533183/D1/2018 dt.06.08.2018.
6) Govt. Memo.No.C-533183/D1/2018 dt.19.09.2018.
7) This office Lr.Roc.No.11021/31/2018 (3396/2017/J3), dt 27.09.2018
8) G.O.Rt.No.1137, MA&UD (D1) Dept., dt.18.12.2018.
9) This office Cir.Roc.No.11021/31/2018 (3396/2017/J3), dt.10.01.2019.
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  1. In continuation to the reference 9th cited, all the appointing authorities i.e.Regional Director-cum-Appellate Commissioners of Municipal Administration and theCommissioner of GVMC and the Commissioner of VMC are informed that, several requestsare received from Teachers and Teacher representatives and requested to consider thefollowing request of Municipal Teachers those who were shifted during rationalizationprocess and those who have not completed 2 years of service in the new school as on30.06.2018, during 507 Phase-II Transfers; D
  2. uring rationalization process, certain teachers were found to be surplus kept underthe Commissioner’s pool and ordered to work in the old school for administrativeconvenience.
  3. During rationalization process, certain teachers found to be surplus and kept in the Commissioner’s pool and ordered to work in the other school where there was nosanctioned post and continued to draw salary in the old school.
  4. Therefore, the appointing authorities i.e. RDMAs, Commissioners of VMC andGVMC are hereby instructed to consider the application of such teachers who were coveredunder above point no.(1) & (2), during 507 Phase II Transfers, duly following the instructionsissued in the reference 9th cited, without fail.
  5. After counseling transfer proceedings shall be given to the Teachers with a condition
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