JANMA BHOOMI MAAVOORU 6th Round (JBMV) Jan 2nd to 11th, 2019 Guidelines

JanmaBhoomiMaaVooru (JBMV) 1.1.   The Government of Andhra Pradesh  conducted five rounds of“JanmaBhoomiMaaVooru”programme with an intention to take administration to the doorstep of the people, to redress their grievances and to make them active stakeholders in the development planning, implementation and monitoring.Thesefive rounds were conducted during 2nd th to 20 October, 2014, 3 rd th  to 7 nd  June, 2015, 2 th  to 11  January, 2016, 2 nd th  to 11  January, 2017 and 2 nd th  to 11  January, 2018. The 5 th round of JBMV was conducted to highlight the integrated approach of development and welfare in saturation mode of certain assurances at village and family level (i.e,

6th Round JANMA BHOOMI MAAVOORU (JBMV)  Jan 2nd to 11th, 2019 Guidelines

Mandal Level Visiting Team:

The Team should be headed by Senior Mandal Level Officers like the MPDO, Tahsildar etc. The Mandal Level Officers should be judiciously distributed between the teams by the District Collector as per the field necessity. The teams should be so constituted that all important departments are represented in both (all) the Mandal Level Teams. All village level functionaries Panchayat Secretary, VEO, VRO, Agricultural Officer and Veterinary Officer shall attend in the JB programme in the respective GPs.  Apart from the officials, JB Committee, ASHA workers, ANM, AWW, Smart village partners, Sadhikara Mitras, NRTs and any other personnel as felt necessary by the District Collector may be co-opted in the team.

The Headmaster or Teacher or MDT member or a department level official should act as the resource person for leading the discussion on the theme of the day. These resource persons should be trained in advance by the respective departments and should utilise the Summary of the White Paper as background material. 

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