Gnana Dhara Learning Enhancment Program to Classes 6 to 8 Conduct Baseline Test Rc.251

Sub: School Education -Gnana Dhara Learning Enhancement  Programe to Classes 6 to 8 -Conduct of Baseline Test 31st of October 2018

        As mentioned in Ref 2 it has been decided that the Gnana Dhara Learning Enhancement Program shall be launched with a Basline Test to identify students of Class VI. VII and VIII requiring remediation in the subjects of Telugu, English and Mathematics.

         In light of this it is decided that the Baseline Test  shall be cinducted on the 31st of October, Hence the District Educational Officers are instructed to communicate the following guidelines to Headmasters of MPUPS, XPHS, GHS, KGBVS:

  1. The Basline Test booklet consists of three subjects: Telugu , English and Mathematics.
  2. Each of these subjects are divided into 4 sections (A, B,C,D) and the total marks per subject is 30. The Total marks for all 3 subjects put together is 90
  3. Class Teachers must adminster the Baseline Test in their calssrooms starting from 10 AM on the 31st of October
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