Recruitment – Filling up of vacant posts through Direct Recruitment – Permission to the Recruiting Agencies GO 153

PUBLIC SERVICES – Recruitment – Filling up of vacant posts through Direct Recruitment – Permission to the Recruiting Agencies – Accorded-Orders –Issued.

 O R D E R:

  1. Government is contemplating for filling up of vacant direct recruitment posts existing in various departments and the Secretariat Departments. Accordingly, necessary indents have been called for from all the Heads of Departments and the Secretariat Departments in the reference second read above.
  2. Based on the proposals received from all the Heads of Departments and the Secretariat Departments, the Government after careful examination, hereby accord permission for direct recruitment to fill in a total 18450 (eighteen thousand four hundred and fifty) vacancies in different categories including the categories that are classified as Group-I (182- posts), Group-II (337-posts), Group-III (1670-posts), Police Executive (3000- posts), Medical (1604-posts) and Others (1657-posts) and also Teaching posts (9275-posts) and Lecturers (725-posts) in various categories through direct recruitment from the respective recruiting agencies.
  3. The particulars of the vacant direct recruitment posts as indicated in para-2 above are mentioned in annexures appended to this order.
  4. All the Heads of Departments and the Secretariat Administrative Departments shall take necessary action to furnish the details of all vacant posts authorised in this orders including the Zone/District-wise vacancy position, roaster points and qualifications etc., to the respective recruiting agencies concerned immediately.
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