Implementation of Acedamic Calender in all PS, UPS and High Schools for the year 2018-19 Rc.NO:443

Proceedings of the Director, SCERT, Andhra Padesh
Present:Sri D.Madhusudhaana Rao

Proc.Rc.No:443                      Dt:13-07-2018

Sub:-SCERT , AP, Amaravathi -Implementation of Academic Calendar in all Priamry , UP, High Schools for the year 2018-19 Orders issued-Reg

  1. As per the instructions of Commissioner of School Education, SCERT prepared Academic Calendar for the Academic year 2018-19 for all Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools. The draft Calendar was placed in website received opininons from stakeholders. Further , SCERT condcuated meeting with subject teachers i.e Mathematics and Science , after careful observation of the opinions SCERT made some changes in the Academic Calender for mainttaining equal workload among teachers for smooth conduct of teaching learning process in the schools.
  2. In this connection all the District Eduational Officers in the state are here by informed that the following woek load may be followed among all subject teachers in High Schools. The District Educational Officers are requested to give proper information to all the Head Masters of High Schools to prepare time tables and period allotments to the subject teachers for effecive classromms transatcion. School timings , Mid-Day-Meals, Month Specfic Activities , Effective Utilization of Digital Class Rooms, Virtual Class Rooms, Co- curricular activiteis should implemt proeperly.

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