Summer Camps in the Branch Libraries of the Department of Public Libraries -DEOs Motivating the HMs

  1. School Education-Summer Camps in the Branch Libraries of the Department of Public Libraries -DEOs Motivating the HMs attending of the students to the Camps -Reg
  2.  Department of Public Libraries, Andhra Pradesh is going to conduct Summer Camps in a big way for all school going children in all Branch Libraries that are spread over all the Districts in Andhra Pradesh
The Follwing are the Particulars of the summer camps:-

  1. To make the children utilize their summer vaction properly
  2. To develop reading habit among the children 
  3. To introduce school age children to the Library
Target Age Group:-
05 to 15 Years

Venue:- The library in their habitation. if it cannot accommodate the particulars, the venue may be shifted to the nearest school or convenient place in the village with the consent  of parents and villages where the water and fan facilities are availabel

Duration of the Camp:-
  1. Innagural Session 25th April 2018
  2. Closing Session 7th June 2018
Camp is scheduled From 8.00am to 12.00 noon
The camp may include both reading and fun session
 8.00 am to 10.00 am 
Reading books from library 
10.00 am to 10.10 am  
10.10 am to 11.00 am 
Story Telling 
11.00 am to 12.00 am 
Spoken Englsih/Drawing /Paper Crafts /Music/Dance/Guest Lecturers /Theatre Training (Drama)

                          Hence all the District Educational Officers in the State of AP are instructed to motivate the Headmaster of all the schools in their jurisdiction to see all the students attend the summer camps.
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