SSA Out Sourcing Staff Termination and Re Engagement
All the project Officers in the State are further informed that the Academic
year 2018-19 has come to an end w.e.f .23.04.2018. As such, the services of all the Contract Employees working under the control of District Project Officer i'e' special officers, cRTs, PETs of KGBV, Data Entry operators, MIS coordinators, ANMs, CRPs, DLMTs, AccountantS, MeSSengers, IERTs, Night & Day watchwomen, Vocational Instructor, computer instructors, office Subordinates, Cooks, Sweeper/Scavenger, Site Engineers, Part Time Instructors, Health and Physical Education, Work Education, Junior Assistants, Watchman physiotherapists & Aayas of I.E. and Sectoral officers and Assistant Sectoral Officers, etc, working in their Offices/Districts need to be terminated
Therefore, all the Project Officers in the State are requested to terminate the contractual agreement of the above employees' wef 29-04-2018
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Rc.No:1707 Termination of the services of contract employees under control of District Project offices
The attention of all the Project Officers in the State is invited to the reference read above wherein orders were issued to re-engage the services of contract employees working in KGBVs, DPOs, MRCs, etc w.e.f. 03.05'2017All the project Officers in the State are further informed that the Academic
year 2018-19 has come to an end w.e.f .23.04.2018. As such, the services of all the Contract Employees working under the control of District Project Officer i'e' special officers, cRTs, PETs of KGBV, Data Entry operators, MIS coordinators, ANMs, CRPs, DLMTs, AccountantS, MeSSengers, IERTs, Night & Day watchwomen, Vocational Instructor, computer instructors, office Subordinates, Cooks, Sweeper/Scavenger, Site Engineers, Part Time Instructors, Health and Physical Education, Work Education, Junior Assistants, Watchman physiotherapists & Aayas of I.E. and Sectoral officers and Assistant Sectoral Officers, etc, working in their Offices/Districts need to be terminated
Therefore, all the Project Officers in the State are requested to terminate the contractual agreement of the above employees' wef 29-04-2018
Rc.No:1707 Re-engagement of the services of contract employees under control of District Project offices
In continuation of the orders issued in the reference read above, all the Project Officers in the State are hereby informed that the services of all the Contract Employees working under the control of District Project Officer i.e. Special Officers, CRTs, PETs of KGBV, Data Entry Operators, MIS Coordinators, ANMs, CRPs, DLMTs, Accountants, Messengers, IERTs, Night & Day Watchwomen, Vocational Instructor, Computer instructors, Office Subordinates, Cooks, Sweeper/ Scavenger, Site Engineers, Part Time Instructors, Health and Physical Education, Work Education, Junior Assistants, Watchman Physiotherapists & Aayas of I.E. and Sectoral Officers and Assistant Sectoral Officers, etc, working in their Offices/Districts shall be re-engaged w.e.f. 01 .05.2018Re Engaed wef 01-05-2018
The Project Officers are further informed that the re-engagement is subject to issue of further instructions/guidelines. Agreements may be concluded after issue of further instructions/guidelines from this office.Download Termination Copy
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