Rc.No:5248 Vidyardhi Ganana Programme Guidelines


Present: Sri G.Srinivas, IAS.,

Proc.Rc.No.5248/APSSA/OSC/A10/2016                                       Dated:19.07.2017

Sub:-APSSA, Amaravati-OSC- Conduct a special programme in the name of “Vidyarthi Ganana ” fortnight programme-Verification of GER and NER -Identification of actual OSC-By technology based GER App-submitted-Reg.

Ref:-(1) G.O.Ms.No.20, Section 29(1) of the Act, Clause (b) of sub section (1) of the       Section. 12 of the Act, School Education (PE.Prog.I) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, dated: 03.03.2011. Gazett No.10, dated:05.03.2011.
(2) Workshop minutes with ALSC/Asst/ALSCo-ordinators, MEOs and other line departments, dated:11.07.2017.
(3) Pulse Survey Report 2016 Government of Andhra Pradesh.
In the reference 1st cited, the Govt.of Andhra Pradesh has assured free and compulsory education for the children with an age group of 6-14 years. As per act ,Section 29(1) of the Act, Clause (b) of sub section (1) of the  Section. 12 of the Act, School Education (PE.Prog.I) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, dated: 03.03.2011. any child in the age group 6-14 must be completed 8 years of elementary education irrespective of Gender, Caste etc.,. The Govt.of A.P., have all initiations in respect of free and compulsory education and established Primary School for every 1KM radius, Upper Primary Schools in 3 KM radius and High Schools in the radius 5 KMs. in all eligible habitations as per the RTE Act.
However, it is noticed that very huge difference between school age children and in school children and the remaining appear as out of school children.  As per the U-DISE data/Child Info data the following are the educational statistics for the academic year 2016-17 in the State. The remaining students neither in school nor appropriate class.
PrimaryUpper PrimarySecondary

In the reference 3rd cited, the Government conducted public survey in the name of Praja Sadhikarikatha survey to measure and improve the living conditions of the people in the State.  As per the survey report there are 68.00lakhs children are found in the age group of 6-16 years.  Out of which 60.00 lakhs students traced out in Child Info data and the remaining 8.00 lakhs students are not available/uploaded in Child Info/U-DISE data.

On verification of the pulse survey report data there is a possibility to trace out the 70% students i.e.,5.6 lakhs students in CBSE Schools, Kendriya Vidyalayas, Navodaya Schools, Un-recognized Schools and the remaining 30%  is 2.40 lakhs are to be verified and they might not be uploaded in  Child Info on various reasons i.e., Migration, Over-age, under-age, Married, Death etc.,
In view of the above, the Department of School Education has developed APGER App to trace out the missing children in connection with A.P., Pulse Survey Report.   Accordingly one model survey has also been conducted in Kallur(M), Kurnool District and got accurate list of Out of School Children.
In consideration of above facts, one day workshop was conducted on 11.07.2017 with all ALS Co-ordinators & Asst. ALSCs, some Mandal Educational Officers and Department of municipal Administration, Department of Adult Education and other line departments to prepare modalities for verification of mission children in Child Info  and to develop strategies for mainstreaming the OSC. 
In the workshop it is decided to conduct a special programme “Vidyarthi Ganana ” fortnight programme for verification of GER, NER and identification of actual OSC with the help of technology based GER App.  This programme will be implemented in entire State from 21.07.2017 to 05.08.2017
Sl. NoActivityResponsible  OfficerDate
1Divisional level Orientation to complex Headmaster/MEOs  on APGER AppDy.E.O21.07.2017
2Identification of Enumerators i.e., CRPs, IERTs, DLMTs and Part Time InstructorsMEO22.07.2017
3Allotment of locations/target to the EnumeratorsMEO22.07.2017
4Arrangement of Android Phones/Tabs to the Enumerators and uploading of GER AppMEO22.07.2017
5Visit of State Government Schools by Enumerators to know the where abouts of missing students               
All Schools of 1 Revenue Village/Ward/Division per dayEnumerators24.07.2017 to 25.07.2017
6Visit of CBSE Schools (Kendriya Vidyalayas/ Navodaya/Sainik Schools etc.
All Schools of 1 Revenue Village/Ward/Division per dayEnumerators26.07.2017 to 27.07.2017
7Visit of Private recognized Schools   
All Schools of 1 Revenue Village/Ward/Division per dayEnumerators28.07.2017 to 29.07.2017
8Visit of Un-recognized Schools/Madarsas    
All Schools of 1 Revenue Village/Ward/Division per dayEnumerators31.07.2017
9Door to Door re-confirmation Survey for searching of not traced students in all schoolsEnumerators01.08.2017 to 05.08.2017
10Submission of final report to SPOProject Officer07.08.2017
Role of District Educational Officers:
Instructions should be given to all Dy.Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers to conduct “Vidyarthi Ganana ” scrupulously.
Should monitor day wise uploading in APGER App.
Should visit 1or 2 mandals per day during the programme.
Conduct reviews twice in a week with the MEOs, Dy.E.Os, Sectoral Officers.
Appointment of divisional level co-ordinator i.e., Deputy Educational Officer.
Instructions should be given to all the Head Masters to co-operate with the enumerators.
Role of Project Officers:
Appointment of divisional level monitoring officers with the Sectoral Officers.
Conduct of divisional level orientation to School Complex H.M./MEOs as per the schedule.
Visit 1 or 2 mandals per day
communication of SPO instructions  time to time to all field functionaries.
Collection of day-wise consolidation report from mandal level.
Submission of day-wise consolidation report to the State Project Office in excel format.
Monitoring of Day-wise progress.
Role of Dy.Educational Officers:
Conduct of Divisional level orientation to School Complex Head Masters and MEOs.
Visit 3 to 4 mandals per day.
Co-ordinate with all Mandal Educational Officers in the division.
Collection of Data under his jurisdiction.
Submission of data to DEO and P.O.,
Guidance to low performance complex chairmen.
Role of Mandal Educational Officers:
Identification of Enumerators as per schedule.
Preparation of day-wise and village wise action plan.
Allotment of habitations/Wards/Divisions to the enumerators.
Arrangement of Android Phones/Tabs to the enumerators from the existing source.
Conduct of orientation programme to the enumerators.
Visit 4 to 5 villages per day.
Collection of data from the enumerators.
Submission of consolidated data to the DPO office.
Verification of the excel sheet information .
Submission of day-wise progress in excel format to the DPO.
Role of Sectoral Officers:
Visit of 2 to 3 mandals in their allotted division per day.
Time to time guidance to the MEOs and Enumerators.
Collection of data in their respective divisions.
Conduct of reviews twice in a week with the MEOs.
Cross verification of excel sheet information
Role of School Complex Head Master:
Orientation to enumerators.
Monitoring of cluster level verification.
Visit of 1 or 2 villages per day.
Cross verification of excel sheet.
Submission of day wise progress to the MEO.
Role of Enumerator:
Attend the orientation programme .
Accurate enumeration.
All schools/ villages should be covered within the timeline.
Not attend other works until completion of “Vidyarthi Ganana ”.
Submission of day-wise reports to the Complex chairman & MEO.
Find out the actual reasons for OSC.

Guidelines for implementation of “Vidyarthi Ganana ”
District Educational Officer is the Chairman and Project Officer is the convenor for implementation of this programme.

Alternating School Co-ordinator is the responsible person to implement the programme in District level.

Project Officer should appoint 1 sectoral officer for each one division for close monitoring of the programme.

Deputy Educational Officer is the divisional level convenor and the Mandal Educational  Officer is the mandal level convenor for conduct of “Vidyarthi Ganana ” Programme.

Complex Head Master is the cluster level convenor for his complex to trace out the missing students data in Saadhikara Survey.  The role of Complex Chairman is very crucial for successful conduct of the “Vidyarthi Ganana ” Programme.

The Enumerators should take proper care while verifying the data of the missing students in Child Info.

The Enumerators should not give false and fabricated information under any circumstances.  If anything found wrong serious view will be taken against individuals.

DEOs/Project Officers should not assign any other works to the CRPs/DLMTs/IERTs/Part Time Instructors those who are involved in the programme until completion of the programme.

The enumerators should enumerate & update atleast 30-60 students data per day.

The enumerator should submit their daily uploading data to the Mandal Educational Officer duly signed by the School Complex Chairman after thorough verification in the prescribed proforma.

The Mandal Educational Officers should submit their daily Mandal consolidation report to the Project Officer and District Educational Officer by 5.P.M everyday in the prescribed proforma.

The Project Officers should submit their daily consolidation report to the State Project Director by 6 P.M. everyday in the prescribed proforma.

The Enumerators where the details of students not uploaded in the Child Info due to various reasons i.e., Under-age, Over-age, Married, Migration, Death etc., should be fill in the prescribed excel format and the same has to submit to Mandal Educational Officer on the same time.

The enumerators will be given Rs.30/- per day for conveyance.

The Mandal Educational Officers should submit enumerator wise day-wise and habitation-wise work allotment action plan by 18.07.2017 to the DPO Office and the DPO inturn to submit the same to the SPO Office on the same time.

1 person should be appointed in MEO Office for collection of data from CRPs and to submit the same DPO Office.

where internet facility is not available  the enumerators are permitted to note the data in excel format and they should upload in APGER App where internet facility is available.

MIS Co-ordinator at mandal level and district level is responsible to submit the daily reports DPO Office and SPO Office respectively.

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