Rc.No 4102 Dt:18.06.17 Instructions For Teachers Rationalisation and Transfers 2017

Sub- School Education Department Norms for Rationalization of Schools
Posts and Staff under various managements ZillaParishads and Mandal Parishads in the State Certain instructions

             A copy of the Government Memo received in the reference 10" read above, isherewith communicated to all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education andDistrict Educational Officers in the State, The Government directed to take up Rationalization of posts Teachers in Zilla Parishad and Mandal Parishadased on the integrated U-DISE data as on 30.04 2017. Any new enrolments done at the school level during "Ammavodi or Mana Vooru Mana Badi programmes, such data may also be entered into the integrated U-DISE with proper validations (ie Aadhaar No. No duplicate double enrolment, transfer oertificate from previous school,
etc) and consider for arriving at justified posts in respective schools
               There is no proposal to reviselextend the current transfer schedule. The rationalisation process as per the norms given in G O Ms.No.29 School Education 22.05.2017 and G.O.Ms No.33 SE (ser ll Department, (Ser I) Department, Dated: Dated 04.06.2017 is more or less completed at the field leveland as per the existing schedule 16.06.2017 was the date for publication of the vacancies In line with the transfer schedule, as of 186.2017, a total of 92,884Teachers have uploaded their transfer applications, including 61.880for Compulsory Transfer and
31.004for Request Transfer
Keeping in view the above situation, ai the                           

              DEOs in the State are instructed toobtain the data of un-entered enrolment particulars of the specific schools duly oertified by the concerned Headmasters and MEOs in the profonma indicated in Annexure 1. The consolidated list of additional enrolment may be emailed to udise201eapingmail.com by 5 pm on 19 and 20 June 2017

            The rationalisation exercise in the district may be reviewed once again. Where the school is justified to continue or additional number of posts are required to be given in specific school
after taking into oonsideration the additonal enrolments oertified by the
respective HM and MEO, the same may be done. After ensuring the necessary
modifications the final list of schools to be raitionalised Woonsolidated merged and the final vacancy list arrived at should be uploaded 20.6.2017

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