Rc. No. 443 Dt:15-12-16 Conduct of GANITOTSAVAM-2016 (Mathematics Day) on 22-12-2016

Conduct of GANITOTSAVAM-2016 (Mathematics Day) on 22-12-2016


  1. To create awareness about Indian, Western Mathematicians among students and teachers
  2. To create interest towards Mathematics among students
  3. To develop innovative pedagogic practices in Mathematics
  4. To share the innovative pedagogic practices of Mathematics with other schools.
  5. To conduct Metric Mela in School Complex by involving School Complex catchment schools
  6. To conduct Quiz competitions relating to Mathematics
  7. To develop, exchange Mathematics literature among teachers.

Action Plan.
                           On the eve of Ramanujan birthday “Ganitothsavam” will be conducted in all school complex by involving all catchment schools on 22nd December 2016. The following activities shall conduct in school complex on 22-12-2016

Primary Level (Metric Mela activity - Ganitotsavam – 2016) :

  1. Conduct special school complex meeting for Ganitothsavam by involving all teachers and students of catchment schools.
  2. Each primary school should prepare different material related to Mathematics and display the same in Metric Mela of School Complex. (Example: Mathematical models, Measuring instruments, Tables, Number grids, Place Value grids etc.,)
  3. Teachers should train their students to participate, demonstrate and conduct their activity in Metric Mela
  4. Conduct Mathematics Quiz for the students studying 4th and 5th Classes.
  5. School complex Head Master should take responsibility to prepare quiz questions by keeping in view the number of schools. (Only one team from one schoolcan participate in Quiz)
  6. Invite 2 expert teachers in Mathematics from nearby school complex to act as judges
  7. Select 3 best performers from Metric Mela and 3 from Mathematics Quiz and award prizes to the selected students by the judges.
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