R.C.No:Furnishing of reformation to the Treasury and Accounts Department

Re.No.25/Estt-1102015                                                                            Date43/11/2015
Sub:- School Education Department Rationalization of Prknary Schools - Establishment of Adharsha Pradhmtio Paatasala (Model Primary School) and Positive Consobdation of Pnmary Schools in Andhra Pradesh - Rationakzation of teachers Post - Furnishing of reformation to the Treasury and Accounts Department - Instrintions - Issued - Reg.
Read:- I. G.O.Ms.No.86 Education (SERB; Department. Dated:03.11.2015 to                   G.O.Ms.No.98
Education ISER II) Department. Dated.03.11.201S Iperta ins            respective Ontncts)-
 2. C.S.E. Proc.Rc.No.25/Estt-111/2015, Dated:03.09.201S.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational offkers are informed that in line with the concept of strengthening Primary Schools establishment of Marsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) and Positive Consolidation of Primo Schools . undertaken by the School Education Department by taking. Gram Panchayat/Muranpality as a Unit, Multiple Primary Schools functioning within 1 Km radius and with <30 students enroll, , were consolidated as Marsha Pradhamka Paatasala (Model Prirnary School). A few es,. mo s 'were DeMbned for continuing such schools were given for positive consolidation for establi. van( Of Marsha Pradharnika Paatasala (Model Primary School) i.e. (i) if there is only one Pm , n the whole Gram Panchayat leven with <30 enrolments), Iii) Schools which have Physic base, -s - Canal, National Highway. Railway track. etc.. IM) Schools located In Primitive Tribal Genus iationt, (iv) Minor Medium Schools, (v) Primary Schools In exclusve SC. ST colonies.
Accordingly the District Educational Officers have under tiffcm t' .                n. in all the 13 Minces.
3886 Marsha Pradhanfika Paatasala (Model Primary Seisms) are es • 'lichee Sy merging 4401 Pitman( Schools. Md 838 Primary Schooh were Pout...spiv Consoidated b' nevi, vi • 59 Pr.mao Schools. In the process the total number of Phmary Schools finally merged an ' 36. Th Government also issued G.Os in the reference read above approving the Establishment of As, ••• a Pradharnika Paatasala (Model Primary Sabot-104nd Positive Consolidation of Schools
Instructions were also issued in the Her .         2 .cad above to under take Rationalization
exercise for the Primary Schools and accordingly me DC • .1 Educational Officers have under taken the Rationalization exercise / transfer exercise.
By virtue of consolidation of Pr, iry        /molt and Rationalization in Primary Schools the
requirement of sanctioned posts in a . soots are changed.
Therefore. all the Doff . fut.          sal Officers in the State are instructed to furnish the data / list
pertaining to the E,tablishm rat .r a arsha Pradharnika Paatasala (Model Primary Schools) and Positive Consolidation of Scho. as .ed by the Government in the reference read above and the number of posts shifted . •rn one school to another as per requirement m the Rationalization to the District Treasury Officers cv,,cerned Immediately to enable them to take note / changes In the sanctioned posts: -mire • Yength and to draw the salanes of the teachers in the respective schools
.46                                    e instructions shall be followed scrupulously
Commnstorer of School Education
MI the District Educational Officers in the State.
my to All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State.
Copy forwarded to the State Project Director. Sawa soma Abhiyan, Andhra Pracesh Hyderabad for information
Copy to Director. Treasuries and Accounts Department. Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. Copy to all District Treasury Officers concerned.

Copy to CA.O. of this office for information and necessary action.
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