G.O.No:45 Dt:21-04-2015 Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) –Instructions

Finance Department – Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) –Instructions to furnish Data and administrative hierarchies and implementation of budget distribution through CFMS– Orders – Issued.

  1. The Government is in the process of operationalizing Comprehensive FinancialManagement System (CFMS) in order to establish state-of-the art IT applications foreffective public financial management. It will provide seamless and dynamic interface withall stakeholders and facilitate real-time resources management, both financial and human.It will fundamentally change the way government manages its public finances with real time management of funds. CFMS uses the Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS) based SAP platform forcomplete integration of all activities like Budget, Expenditure, HRMS, Revenue,Accounts, Ways & Means and Debt management.
  2. The Government hasselected the following three modules for the first phase roll out of CFMS: The prerequisites for roll out include putting in place the relevant master and other basic data besides capturing the administrative and financial decision hierarchies. The matter was discussed in the Secretaries conference as well as in the Heads of Departments (HoDs) conference on 10th April, 2015 and it has been decided that the date for state-wide roll out of the CFMS would be the 1st of July, 2015. In the meantime the above mentioned prerequisites need to be fulfilled for which the Secretariat Department / HoDsshall take proactive measures for successful data capture and eventual roll out.
  3. In this context the Government hereby direct all the Heads of Departments of allGovernment departments and District Collectors to ensure the following for well-coordinated implementation of CFMS
  4. Constitution of a dedicated team (CFMS Implementation Team)headed by a senior officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government, in case of a Secretariat Department or a Joint Director/Joint Commissioner in case of Heads of Departments, who shall be empowered to report only to the Principal Secretary/ Secretary to Government/Head of the Department, as the case may be on implementation issues
  5. Constitution of district level teams by each department for overseeing project implementation within the district. These teams shall report to the District Collector on the progress of data capture. The CFMS team of a department with the help of the district teams shall map out the offices in the departmental organization chart to the last mile including those offices which do not have DDOs.Only such detailed mapping would facilitate budget preparation and distribution to each and every functional unit of the department, which is an important objective of CFMS implementation.
  6. All the DDOs are assigned the task of entry and/or validation of data relating to the employees, hierarchies and workflow for all employees/ offices linked to them. To facilitatethis “DDO Self registration process” has been incorporated on the CFMS Portal the detailed procedure is indicated in the Annexure to this order. The DDO shall complete the data entry/validation process using the new User ID created in the DDO Self registration process.
  7. The data available in the Treasury “Integrated Management of Pay and Accounts and Treasuries department” (IMPACT) package and other information collected and available with the Finance Department has already been uploaded into the CFMS system to facilitate the data capture process. Detailed instructions for data entry/validation are indicated in the annexure
  8. To further facilitate the process the Finance Department will hold trainings in the video conference mode for the benefit of departmental users across the state on dates to be informed in due course.User manuals, video tutorials and helpline numbers for the support are made available on the CFMS portal for the benefit of the users.
  9. The DDO has to print the validated data and get approval of the Heads of Offices and send a copy to the Treasury/PAO concerned and one copy to the HoD concerned
  10. The expenditure module will be operationalized for all the departments by 1st July,2015. Thereforeall the HoDs shall, immediately after completion of data entry including the hierarchy, distribute budget to all the Heads of District offices of the departments (SCOs) and thereafter the District Heads of the departments shallfurther distribute to all functional units under their jurisdiction
  11. The expenditure module requires that the financial delegations are defined in the CFMS for all the departments. Departments are requested to submit proposals for inclusion of items of expenditure not covered by the GOs in vogue with a view to bring the list up to date. The values for the items of expenditure in the delegations were also defined atleast 15 years ago and need to be revised to make them more realistic. Also for routine items of expenditure like electricity bills and rents, departments are requested to recommend norms for adequate budgeting. These proposals may reach the Finance Department by 30th April, 2015
  12. CFMS envisages enhanced security of operations and information. In the first phase of roll out, all authorizing officers in the approval hierarchies would have Aadhar based biometric authentication facility.Necessary instruction in this regard will be issued in the due course in consultation with the IT&C Department
  13. As the implementation of 10th PRC recommendation is to be done through CFMS, the HoDsshall ensure completion of data entry/validation through the data capture module by 30th April, 2015. It shall be ensured that the data from 01.07.2013 required for pay fixations in 10th Pay Revision Commission be taken from the service registers of the employees.They shall send a completion report in this regard to the administrative department concerned by 5th May, 2015
  14. If any difficulty is experienced in uploading the data, the same may be brought to the notice of the Treasury Officers/PAO concerned and also the following CFMS team memberswho will make necessary arrangements for uploading of data by the DDOs.
  15. S. No. Name Phone number email address
  16. 1. M. Madhuri 9951574888 mmuddana@deloitte.com
  17. 2. G. Chaitanya 8142567304 chaitanyag@deloitte.com
  18. 3. Arvind Kumar 8341462838 arvind.p@niit-tech.com
  19. 4. Nageswara Rao 7032929314 vvs.7.gamini@niit-tech.com
  20. 5. Kranthi7032929312 kranthi.7.madishetty@niit-tech.com
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