Automatic Advancement Scheme

Automatic Advancement Scheme AAS (6/12/18/24 Years) || GO.96 Dated 20.5.2011
Automatic Advancement Scheme AAS (6/12/18/24 Years) Scheme. The New Automatic Advancement Scheme was introduced vide GO.96 Dated 20.5.2011. This New AAS Scheme changed the periodicity of the previous 8/16/24 years as 6/12/18/24 years.The Government has introduced the AAS Scheme through G.O.Ms.No.117 Fin & Plg (FW.PRC.I) Dept., dated 25.05.1981 to the State Government employees and employees of Local Bodies as a substitute for those who are entitled to get promotions, but are unable to get them at regular intervals because of stagnation due to non-availability of vacancies.
Automatic Advancement Scheme AAS (6/12/18/24 Years)
As per GO.96 the Govt  has introduced the four slabs 6/12/18/24 Years and details are as follows:
 Special Grade Post Scale (6 years)
An employee on completion of 6 years of service in a particular post shall be appointed to the Special Grade Post Scale which is the next higher scale above the pay scale of the post he/she is holding
 Special Promotion Post Scale-I is divided into two parts as “A”& “B”
Special Promotion Post Scale I-A(12 Years):-
(ii) An employee on completion of 12 years of service in a particular post shall be appointed to the Special Promotion Post Scale I-A. It carries the pay scale of the post next above the post held by him which happens to be the promotion post in the regular line as prescribed in the Service Rules. For appointment to the Special Promotion Post Scale I-A he/she shall be fully qualified to hold that promotion post as prescribed in the Service Rules. In other words, such of the employees who have put in 12 years of service in one post without getting any promotion, shall be considered for appointment to Special Promotion Post Scale-I-A, subject to the conditions laid down as above
Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-A (12 years):-
In case, the Service Rules do not provide for any promotion, the employee on completion of 12 years of service in a particular post shall be appointed to the Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-A which carries the next higher scale above the Special Grade Post Scale

 Special Promotion Post Scale I-B / Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-B (18 years)
An Employee on completion of 18 years service in a particular post, shall be allowed one increment in the Special Promotion Post Scale I-A or Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-A as the case may be, which shall be called Special Promotion Post Scale I-B / Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-B
 Special Promotion Post Scale II (24 years):
An employee, on completion of 24 years of service in a particular post, shall be placed in the scale of the post applicable to the second level promotion post to the original post held by him. This is subject to the condition that he is fully qualified to be promoted to such promotion post as prescribed in service rules and also that such post should belong to the regular line and not outside the regular line. This scale shall be called Special Promotion Post Scale II. In other words, such of the employees who have put in 24 years of service in one post without getting any promotion, shall be considered for appointment to the Special Promotion Post Scale-II, subject to the condition laid down as above
In case, the Service Rules do not provide for promotion at second level, the employee on completion of 24 years of service shall be placed in the scale of pay, next above the scale applicable to the Special Promotion Post Scale I-A. This Scale shall be called Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale II.

 Fixation of Pay on appointment to Automatic Advancement Scheme
     (a)The pay fixation on appointment to Special Grade / Special Promotion Post Scale-I-A/Spl. Promotion Post Scale-II/Special Adhoc Promotion Post I-A and Special Adhoc Promotion Post II shall be under FR 22(a)(i) read with F.R.31 (2).
    (b) One increment shall be allowed in the existing scale on appointment to Special Promotion Post Scale I-B/ Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-B.
  Fixation of pay on promotion from Automatic Advancement Scheme Posts
 (a) In case of Promotions from the Special Grade and Special Promotion Post I A & I B, the pay shall be   fixed under FR 22-B.
 (b) In case of promotions from Special Promotion Post Scale II, the pay shall be fixed under FR 22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2).

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