by the Visakhapatnam District, due to Hudhud Cyclone – Sanctioning one
month Basic Pay to the Employees Teachers, Workers and Pensioners
working in Visakhapatnam District – Orders - Issued
G.O.MS.No. 4 Dt:19-01-2015
from the PrlSecy to CM vide CMP No.359/PS to CM(AS)/ 2014,
Dt:31-10-2014, along with the Letter from the Chairman Joint Action
Committee of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners A.P.Hyderabad
In the reference read above, the Joint
Action Committee of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners of AP,
has stated that, the employees, Teachers of all categories and
Pensioners residing in Visakhapatnam District were also affected by the
cyclone and the properties of employees like houses, vehicles and
Agricultural lands were also damaged. Therefore the Association has
requested the Hon’ble C.M to grant one Month Basic Pay as “pay advance”
to the employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners working in
Visakhapatnam District. There was a convention that Government used to
extend the financial support by way of pay advance during such
calamities. The Pay advance will be recovered in 10 equal monthly
instalments.2. Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby order to sanction of one Month basic pay to the employees Teachers and workers and pensioners working in the Visakhapatnam District. The advance shall be recovered in 10 equal monthly instalments from the monthly salaries of the employees which
shall commence from the following month in which the advance is sanctioned. The concession is admissible up to three months from the date of issue of the orders and it will cease to be in existence thereafter. An entry has to be made in the service book of the employee regarding sanction of the advance
3. The expenditure on payment of advance under this order shall be debited to the Head of Account 7610-Loans to Government Servants etc., 800-Other Advances – SH(80)-Other Advance – 001-Other Advances.
4. The concerned Heads of Departments are requested to take necessary action accordingly.