KGBVs Non Teaching Posts Recruitment Notification 729 Posts

KGBVs Non Teaching Posts Recruitment Notification 729 Posts: The Samagra Shiksha, Department of School Education is inviting offline applications for the posts of head cook, asst cook, day/ night watch women, chowkidar, sweeper, scavenger in type -III and type -IV KGBVs from the eligible woman candidates for filling up of non-teaching posts in 352 type-III KGBVs and 145 type-IV KGBVS located...

Mandatory Attendance for appearing for IPE 2024-25 exams

Academic Year-2024-25 - Mandatory Attendance for appearing for IPE 2024-25 exams -Certain instructions – Reg.Ref:- 1) Academic regulations of the Board of Intermediate Education.2) Annual calendar for the academic year 2024-25.All the Principals of the Junior Colleges in the State are hereby informed that as per the existing rules of admission of the Board of Intermediate Education, every regular...

SMC Trainings 2024 Two Days Residential Training Programme to Master Resource Persons Memo: 16

Samagra Shiksha-CMO-SMC-To conduct State level two days resident raining Programme for two days to the Master Resource Persons-Instructions-Issued-Regarding.Memo: Rc.No.SS-16/1/2023-CMO SEC-SSA, Dt. /10/2024Ref: Note orders of the SPD, Samagra Shiksha, Dated:19.9.2024ORDERAll the District Educational Officer & Ex- Officio and Project Coordinators, Samagra Shiksha in the State are invited to the...